clock December 24,2023
People’s Bank gifts Apple iPhone to social media pages winner

People’s Bank gifts Apple iPhone to social media pages winner

People’s Bank conducted the draw to pick the winner who took home an Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max by subscribing to People’s Bank social media pages. The draw, which was held at the People’s Bank Head Office, saw medical intern Tharindu Daham take home the grand prize.

The winner received his Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max from People’s Bank Head of Marketing Nalaka Wijayawardana.

The iphone promotion was open to the public for 25 weeks where any individual could enter the draw by subscribing to the People’s Bank YouTube channel. In addition to subscribing to the YouTube channel, the public could increase their winning chances by following or liking People’s Bank’s Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn accounts.

Source: Daily News

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