clock December 24,2023

WIA Systems and SLIIT IEEE Empower Future Professionals with “Path to Internship 2024”

WIA Systems, a global leader in professional consultancy services and comprehensive ERP solutions, is proud to partner with the SLIIT Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Branch to sponsor “Path to Internship 2024”. This initiative focuses on equipping undergraduate students from diverse disciplines such as engineering, manufacturing, automation, IT, computer science, power and energy, and business with the essential skills and opportunities needed for successful internships and career development. Established in 2016, WIA Systems, an authorised IFS service and channel partner, operates across the USA, Canada, UK, India, and  Sri Lanka.

“Path to Internship 2024” brings together students from both state and private universities across  Sri Lanka, offering them valuable workshops, networking sessions, and recruitment opportunities. These sessions are designed to enhance students’ LinkedIn profiles, CV writing skills, and interview skills, ensuring they are well-prepared for the competitive job market. WIA Systems’ partnership with SLIIT IEEE Student Branch reflects its dedication to supporting  Sri Lankan undergraduates.

CEO Chamil Wijenayaka said, “We have confidence in the potential of  Sri Lankan students and are dedicated to furnishing them with the necessary resources and opportunities for success. Looking ahead, WIA Systems remains committed to engaging with local universities and students, offering ongoing workshops, internships, and recruitment opportunities to prepare them for thriving careers in the business and tech sectors.”

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