clock December 24,2023
Internal Customs Unit set up to investigate public complaints

Internal Customs Unit set up to investigate public complaints

Complaints can be made even without providing our unique identifiers, In future, this unit will also be launched in local revenue and excise departments - Minister of State for Finance Siambalapitiya

The Internal Affairs Division of the Sri Lanka Customs Department to receive and investigate public complaints was inaugurated by Minister of State for Finance Ranjith Siambalapitiya.

The Minister mentioned that the purpose of this is to further strengthen the relationship between the public and the Customs. The Minister said that the Customs Department, which went beyond the given revenue targets, was doing a unique job for the country and due to that, various praises and accusations were being made.

Therefore, the minister pointed out that this section will further strengthen the relationship between the public and the department and said that this system will also be introduced to the local revenue and excise departments in the future.

Grievance procedures

Phone number
0112 - 221 331
0112 - 221 333
0704 - 752 803


070 4 752 803


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