clock December 24,2023
JXG in collaboration with PIM concludes 2nd Batch of eXplore Leadership Development Programme

JXG in collaboration with PIM concludes 2nd Batch of eXplore Leadership Development Programme

JXG (Janashakthi Group) recently concluded the second consecutive edition of eXplore, the Postgraduate Institute of Management’s (PIM) Leadership Development Programme, which is specifically designed to develop the managerial staff of JXG, with resounding success. The second edition, initiated in mid-2024, led 21 exceptional participants to develop leadership competencies and support skill building during an informative seven-month journey. 

The Leadership Development Programme brought together participants from across all of JXG’s business units. Tailored specifically to develop the leadership competencies of JXG’s managerial staff, it was held on-site at PIM. As such, it aimed to promote growth and learning. The programme’s 10 modules focused on building contemporary management proficiencies through case studies, project work, and the resolution of real-world business challenges. 

As the programme drew to a close, final presentations from the participants were showcased. The presentations detailed the findings of surveys conducted during the seven months of the programme, concluding with proposed solutions for emerging challenges. Lecturers from the PIM were present to facilitate the event. 

Wasanthi Stephen, Group Chief Human Resources Officer at JXG commented, “We’re firm believers that the right kind of leadership can create unique and effective workplace cultures. We believe that knowing how to lead a team well shapes its ability to meet challenges gracefully. In addition to fostering a healthy and productive work environment, leadership skills play a vital role in adjusting strategies to shifting market trends and encouraging workplace creativity. With the conclusion of the second edition of PIM’s Leadership Development Programme, we look forward to seeing how our newly empowered staff will put their learnings into practice, take on new challenges and raising the capacity of what JXG offers to extraordinary new heights.” 

Dr. Asanga Ranasinghe, Director of PIM, stated, “The PIM successfully completed a Leadership Development Programme (LDP) specifically designed to develop the managerial staff of the JXG. This programme, called eXplore, falls under the PIM Executive Development Programme Cluster. Participants were taken through a series of contemporary management competencies with specified action projects. We are happy to join hands with a well-respected company such as JXG and to play an integral role in raising the bar in the field of management and leadership development in the country. PIM has created a platform to provide the best learning experience to JXG managers in the journey of personal and team mastery.”

About JXG (Janashakthi Group)

JXG (Janashakthi Group) is Sri Lanka’s emerging financial conglomerate, with a presence spanning in the insurance, finance, and investment banking sectors. Each of the Group’s core businesses is a formidable leader in its respective industry. JXG comprises First Capital Holdings PLC, Janashakthi Insurance PLC, Orient Finance PLC, and the Janashakthi Foundation.

JXG’s roots trace back to the early 1990s when its Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Mr. C.T.A. Schaffter, established Sri Lanka’s first specialized life insurance company, playing a pivotal role in revolutionizing the industry. Over the following decades, through strategic mergers and acquisitions, the Group has expanded its reach and influence.

The 'X' in the brand name symbolizes exciting opportunities, expansion, and exponential growth, representing the multiplication of potential as a unified entity. The slogan “Stronger Together, Stronger Than Ever” encapsulates JXG’s commitment to unity and collective strength.

01 Image – JXG participants of the eXplore 2 – Leadership Development Programme, facilitated by the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM)

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