clock December 24,2023
Host of activities today to mark World Tourism Day

Host of activities today to mark World Tourism Day

Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) will be organizing a number of activities in order to mark the World Tourism Day, which falls today (27).

This ceremony will be held at the Tourist Information Centre (TIC) at the arrival lobby, BIA and it is expected to serve 300 guests during daytime. SLTPB also organized many activities today from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the BIA, also making it an opportunity to interact with the foreign tourists and allow them to experience Sri Lankan culture.

Planned activities also include a Selfie Corner for foreign guests to join and enjoy the moment, traditional dance performances to entertain the guests, arranging a special welcome by offering snacks with Sri Lankan tea, and a promotional gift for every tourist on their arrival to Sri Lanka.

Source: Daily News

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