clock December 24,2023

Kuliyapitiya Is Cooking! Record-Breaking 52,000+ Flock to 10th Coke Kottu Beat Party

Bringing the global phenomenon 'Is Cooking' to the fantastic crowd at Kuliyapitiya, Coca-Cola's recent 'Coke Kottu Beat Party' captivated an incredible 52,000 attendees in early June. This iconic event dazzled the crowd with a blend of local music, delectable cuisine, and show-stopping performances by Sri Lanka's favourite artists such as Wasthi, Dinesh, Kaizer, Hana, Ashanya, and many more. The Coke Kottu Beat Party not only celebrated the 'Kottu Battle Winner' but also emphasized sustainability through the Give Back Life stall, displaying innovative products made from recycled PET plastic. With 10 Coke Kottu Beat Parties held so far, this event continues to set records and create unforgettable experiences across Sri Lanka.

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