clock December 24,2023
Elzian Agro Explores Future in Space Agriculture at COPUOS Session

Elzian Agro Explores Future in Space Agriculture at COPUOS Session

Lilan Dayananda, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Elzian Agro, outlined the company’s ambitious vision to enter the Space Agriculture Sector during the 67th Session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) in Vienna, Austria. The session, held in 2024, continues to address space-related legal issues, promote sustainable space exploration, and enhance global collaboration in space science and technology. COPUOS plays a crucial role in developing international space law and fostering dialogue among nations on space governance.


The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) is dedicated to promoting international cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space and addressing legal issues related to space exploration. The UN's interest in space began in 1957 with the launch of the first Sputnik, highlighting the need for space to be used for peaceful purposes and its benefits to be shared globally. Established in 1958, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) serves as the secretariat for COPUOS and its subcommittees.


Elzian Agro’s pioneering work in precision agriculture, driven by cutting-edge technologies and a commitment to sustainability, positions them as a key player in the emerging field of space agriculture. Their expertise in resource optimization, advanced sensor technologies, IoT integration, and sustainable practices provides a comprehensive framework for addressing the challenges of growing food in space. By leveraging these capabilities, Elzian Agro aims to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of agriculture beyond Earth, contributing to humanity’s quest to explore and inhabit new frontiers. Elzian Agro's ambition to move into space agriculture aligns with the broader goals of COPUOS, which include ensuring the peaceful use of space technologies and promoting sustainable space exploration. As nations and organizations worldwide look to space for new opportunities, Elzian Agro’s innovative approach and technological expertise could prove instrumental in developing viable agricultural systems for space missions.


This vision marks a significant step for Elzian Agro, reflecting their commitment to pushing the boundaries of agricultural science and technology. As they embark on this new journey, Elzian Agro continues to inspire and lead the way in sustainable innovation, both on Earth and beyond.

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