clock December 24,2023
Colombo Land Valuation Indicator records 7.7% increase in 2H24

Colombo Land Valuation Indicator records 7.7% increase in 2H24

The Land Valuation Indicator (LVI) for Colombo District recorded 236.8 during the second half of 2024, with a year-on-year increase of 7.7 percent. 

All sub-indicators of the LVI, namely, Residential, Commercial and Industrial LVIs, contributed to this increase, recording annual increases of 9.9 percent, 9.4 percent and 3.9 percent, respectively. 

On a semi-annual basis, the LVI and its sub-indicators increased at a slower pace during the second half of 2024 compared to the values recorded in the first half of 2024. 

The highest increase was observed in the Residential LVI, followed by the Commercial and Industrial LVIs.

Source: Daily Mirror

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